Embryos and donors available. Pustertaler breed

In collaboration with our company veterinarian, we exclusively produce embryos in a natural way.

The donors are selected by us and raised from birth.

The mares or heifers selected on the basis of the breed requirements are subjected to the necessary gynecological and health checks before superovulation.

It is possible to agree, upon contact, any donor matings and available reproducers.


Pustertaler bar:

Originally from Val Pusteria, it is a dual purpose breed that goes well with the characteristics of our territory.

Now present in a small number of specimens, genetic studies were carried out in Germany at the end of the 1980s to favor its repopulation.

In the early 2000s genetic studies recognized the Piedmontese lineage, until then not recognized as a breed and called "Barà" by breeders.

In 2005 the Barà Pustertaler breed was recognized by the AIA as a breed, and registered in the genealogical register at the Turin and Cuneo APAs.

The pustertaler is a bovine breed originating from Val Pusteria in Trentino-Alto Adige and present in Italy, Germany and Austria, where it is called Pustertaler Schecken or Pustertaler Sprinzen [1]. Genetic studies carried out in 2001 showed that the Piedmontese barà breed is very similar, if not assimilable, to the pustertaler, and for this reason the two populations are treated as a single breed by the Registry of cattle breeds, by the Italian Breeders Association and by the Ministry agricultural, food and forestry policies.

The pustertaler is particularly adapted to the mountain environment, and appreciated for its dual aptitude for the production of milk and meat. Being a rare breed and in danger of disappearing, it is protected throughout its territory of diffusion.

the pustertaler breed is originally from Val Pusteria, and over time it has also spread to the neighboring valleys and to Valle Isarco. It belongs to the mountain spotted branch, descended according to some hypotheses from Austrian breeds such as the Pinzgauer crossed with red spotted or black spotted, or from crosses implemented over the centuries between native Alpine breeds and cattle brought by Bavarian, Slavic and Swiss settlers.

However, the characteristics and appearance of the pustertaler consolidated definitively in the first half of the nineteenth century.

After the Second World War, the pustertaler experienced an inexorable decline linked to two aspects: on the one hand, the diffusion of increasingly specialized breeds, on the other, the new regulations introduced on animal reproduction, which brought the breed almost to extinction.

After the Second World War, the pustertaler experienced an inexorable decline linked to two aspects: on the one hand, the diffusion of increasingly specialized breeds, on the other, the new regulations introduced on animal reproduction, which brought the breed almost to extinction.

The pigmentation of the coat presents the so-called mulina line, a characteristic white line that extends from the neck to the perineum, extending uninterruptedly along the back and rump and then continuing further along the inner sides of the thighs and belly. The pigmented parts extend more or less markedly on the lateral parts of the animal: symmetrically along the sides, above all at the level of the side and with less regularity at the abdominal level, on the jaws and on the face; the muzzle, eyelids, eyebrows, ears, distal parts of the limbs and the tips of the horns can also be coloured. The size can be very small, with small spots similar to sprinkles (fiurinà or sfrisà in the local dialect) or larger with large spots until you have an almost closed coat. The color can be black (more frequent) or red-brown.

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